Wednesday, October 30, 2019

New Timelapse

The first three videos are were taken at the same time and are of three different angles. The order is Left View, LeftAreal View, and Above. The 4th video is all 3 at once.

The Next three are of another piece. This one I am playing with color, and how it makes a difference. The first three videos are were taken at the same time and are of three different angles. The order is Left View, LeftAreal View, and Above. The 4th video is all 3 at once.

1 comment:

  1. Ronald Davis, his snapline paintings, e.g., this.
    his work from the 1970s here.

    see also his resin paintings in the 60s and 70s.
    just think you share an aesthetic (suggested by the exploded ink ! )
