Wednesday, September 25, 2019

getting unstuck

I fell into a rut of I Don't Know What The Hell I'm Doing, so this is how I'm climbing out. It also serves as a way to show 1. what the inside of my brain is like and 2. the fact that my handwriting is not nearly as neat as my class notes may seem.


leaving | returning | arriving...

leave a --> (journey) --> arrive --> (experience/growth) --> leave b --> return -- > (reclaim)

leave a vs. leave b
mission beginning vs. mission over/continuing to new stage
planned, hopeful, sure vs. improvised, unsure (sometimes), frustration + exhaustion?

arrive vs. return
intent to leave again? vs. were here before, maybe won't leave again
have mission vs. can be more passive

time has passed
back to normal (or at least the attempt)
JC's (Joseph Campbell's) return w/ the elixir
odyssey it's literal, reclaiming home
can just be reclaiming space/comfort

triumphant return
nausicaa + eurycleia -- disguise, dramatic reveals
return w/ the elixir --> elixir = solution to conflict = killing suitors

map folds + foldout maps
tracking journey (napoleon?)
shows the whole cycle (but not as cycle... beginning/end)

twombly + leaving traces...
finding the memory of something that has vanished...
isn't that just storytelling?
"a time to remain and a time to go away"

"seeking gold and glory
leaving weathered broken bones
and a long-forgotten
lonely cairn of stones" - this song is about canada but i think it works in the spirit of things


  1. leave vs. leaves
    leave leaves
    that is, leave page leafs behind...

    sorry, couldn't resist.

    maybe a way to think is, mining the Odyssey for different stories....

    but will read and think about these unstuck notes, further.

  2. did Odysseus have a map? need one? or having one, lost it?
    to get home?

    was he PTSD?

    random questions, late night.
